歡迎 歡迎! 歡迎大家來到我的花園, 自從九年前第一個Parker 網站嘗試後, 終於在05年重現於網絡世界了.
Welcome to Parker's Garden. After the first attempt (which is 9 years ago), Parker's Garden appears on the Net .... Finally
你可在這裏找到我對這世界, 身邊的人和事, 最重要是 自己的看法. 網絡是虛的, 但反而在虛的世界在可表現真實的自己. 絶對反映了名言. "假作真時真亦假, 無為有處有還無"
You can right here see my view of this world, the people and happening to my surrounding, and most important Myself. World Wide Web is an intangible existence. However, it is the right place to displace my true self... So ridiculous. In chinese saying. "Take the Fake as truth, since truth sometime is also fake, Take the emptiness as being, as sometimes being is also an emptiness."
我媽曾說過一句我認為很有哲理的話, 她說"榴槤幾好味,都有人唔鍾意. 做人只要問心無愧, 夜晚瞓得安槳就可以了."
My mom once famous saying "No matter how delicious a papaya is, there are someone who don't like it. If you are true to yourself, true to your heart and can sleeping peacefully at nigt, that's we call living" I truely agree.
這一個網站亦是, 喜歡的自然喜歡, 不喜歡的我也無辦法要你鍾意. 所以...歡迎參觀, 下次再來.
So was this website, you like it because you like it, I can force you to do so. Welcome for your visit. See U next time.